Poetry reading at Martin Johnston’s memorial
The memorial for Martin Johnston included Angela Giblin, Wayne Davies, Matt Rubinstein, Mary McMahon, Julian Neylan, Petro Alexiou, and Mark Mahemoff. 2021 Commemoration photos - Martin Johnston
The memorial for Martin Johnston included Angela Giblin, Wayne Davies, Matt Rubinstein, Mary McMahon, Julian Neylan, Petro Alexiou, and Mark Mahemoff. 2021 Commemoration photos - Martin Johnston
Milestones was conceived as a vehicle to celebrate a year full of significant dates both personal and professional. Within these pages, more than 160 Ginninderra Press poets explore their own take on milestones - personal and historical, mournful and whimsical, light and dark. To read the book from beginning to end is to take a poetic [...]